Signing up for Medicare and/or Social Security
Initial Enrollment Period
Your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) for Medicare Parts A, B and D last 7 months. It begins 3 months before your 65th birthday month and runs for 3 months after your birth month.
Enrolling in Medicare during your IEP means that you will have no late penalties. There are also no pre-existing condition waiting periods.
You are not required to sign up for Medicare Parts B and D if you have insurance that is at least equal or better than Medicare also known as credible coverage
Applying for Medicare When you Have Large Employer Coverage
Medicare can coordinate with your employer insurance even if you are still working. If you are actively working at an employer with 20+ employees, Medicare will be secondary to your employer coverage.
Sometimes, your employer group plan has outpatient benefits already built in, so delaying Part B enrollment can save you money until you retire from your job. In other cases, it may be advantageous to apply for Medicare and private insurance. I can help you evaluate.
When to apply for Medicare varies for each person. Social Security has even been known to give the wrong advice. I can help you solve Medicare enrollment issues and can even arrange a conference call with Social Security.
Lastly, if you are still working, we’ll evaluate the costs of your employer coverage compared to what Medicare would cost as your primary coverage. If staying at your employer insurance makes more sense, I can help you decide whether to enroll in Parts A or B or both.
How to Apply Online for Medicare
Many Medicare beneficiaries prefer to sign up for Medicare online without having to leave home
Social Security offers you a quick online application for Medicare that can be completed in fewer than ten minutes. You do not have to be receiving income benefits to get Medicare.
Just visit the Social Security website and follow the links about applying for Medicare.
To apply for both SS retirement benefits and Medicare at the same time, visit this link:
To apply for just Medicare, visit this link:
I can help you apply online, either in person or over the phone. Feel free to call me at 515-554-7087, to schedule an appointment.
How to Apply for Medicare by Phone
Applying for Medicare by phone is just as easy as applying for Medicare online.
Contact Social Security at the numbers listed below based on the county in which you reside and tell the representative that you wish to apply for Medicare.
Sometimes you will be helped immediately. Usually, Social Security will schedule a telephone appointment with you to take your application over the phone.
Social Security may send you some forms to complete. Generally, these forms are simple. Phone applications for Medicare may take longer. The forms are mailed to you, and then you complete them and mail back. This can cause delays. Use the phone enrollment option only if you have a month or two lead time before your intended Medicare effective date.
How to Apply for Medicare in Person
Some people prefer to apply for Medicare in person at a local Social Security office. This can be a convenient option if you need to get your application processed quickly.
Polk County
Social Security Office 455 SW 5th St, Des Moines, IA 50309 Ph 1-800-772-1213
Dallas County
Social Security Office 2615 UNIVERSITY BLVD AMES, IA 50010. Ph 1-866-899-1928
Guthrie County
Social Security Office 818 Bella Vista Dr, Carroll IA 51401 Ph 1-866-572-8381
How to Apply for Medicare by Mail
Some people prefer to apply for Medicare by mail at a local Social Security office.
Fill out your part B Application Form QMB 0938-1230 and mail it to your local Social Security office. I have the forms and pre-addressed envelopes.
Filing for Medicare by Mail can take several weeks, so use the other enrollment methods if you are short on time.
Polk County
Social Security Office 455 SW 5th St, Des Moines, IA 50309 Ph 1-800-772-1213
Dallas County
Social Security Office 2615 UNIVERSITY BLVD AMES, IA 50010. Ph 1-866-899-1928
Guthrie County
Social Security Office 818 Bella Vista Dr, Carroll IA 51401
Ph 1-866-572-8381
When will I get my Medicare card?
In other words – how long does it take to get your Medicare card after applying? In most cases, you will receive your Medicare card about 3 weeks after you apply. If you are already receiving Social Security benefits when you turn 65, your enrollment into Medicare is automatic. Your card will just show up in your mailbox about 2 months before you turn 65. When you receive it, be sure that you do not forget to enroll in Part D if you need drug coverage – before your Initial Enrollment Period ends. I recommend applying for Medicare at least 2 months before you want it to start.
Your Medicare Parts A and B will automatically renew every year unless you fail to pay your premiums. You Part D drug plan will also auto-renew each year. However, Part D drug plan benefits change from year to year. As your agent I will help you review your coverage annually during the fall Annual Election Period.
How Long Does it Take to Get Medicare Part B After Applying? Your effective date for Part B often depends on when you have enrolled. In many circumstances, Part B will begin the following month. However, this is not always the case. Refer to the chart above or ask the Medicare rep who helps you with your application.
And as always, feel free to call me with any questions.
Jon Kelderman 515-996-4699